Bcrypt's password length limit

Using npm’s bcrypt v5.1.0, the maximum possible password length without truncation nor preliminary hashing is 72 bytes (e.g. 72 ASCII characters) as proven with the below script, which:

  1. randomly generates a password of length 73
  2. creates truncated password copies of lengths 72 and 71
  3. hashes all 3 passwords with the same salt
  4. compares the hashes

The result is that the hashes of the 73- and 72-character passwords always match, and those of the 72- and 71-character passwords never match.

const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');

async function testBcrypt() {
    const printableAsciiChars = Array.from(
    ).map((i) => String.fromCharCode(i + 32)).join("");

    const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(10);

    let countMatching73And72 = 0;
    let countMatching72And71 = 0;
    const N = 100;
    for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
        // randomly choose a password of length 73
        const password73 = Array.from(
            () => printableAsciiChars[
                Math.floor(Math.random() * printableAsciiChars.length)

        const password72 = password73.slice(0, -1);
        const password71 = password73.slice(0, -2);
        const hash73 = await bcrypt.hash(password73, salt);
        const hash72 = await bcrypt.hash(password72, salt);
        const hash71 = await bcrypt.hash(password71, salt);

        if (hash73 === hash72)
        if (hash72 === hash71)

        process.stdout.write("\r              \riter " + i + "/" + N);
    process.stdout.write("\r              \r");

    console.log(countMatching73And72, "/", N, "matches between 73 and 72");
    console.log(countMatching72And71, "/", N, "matches between 72 and 71");


There are different implementations of bcrypt that have different capabilities, so this may not apply to any other packages or even other versions of the same package.

Side note: if you’re going to make a random password generator for real password use, don’t do it this way because it’s not cryptographically secure.

Further reading